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21 October 2011
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Dropbox featuring jQuery UI CoverFlow 2.2 Demo now online

21 October 2011, Comments: 0

Since today my new Web-App, accessing the Drobox API is finally open for public! Just today Dropbox accepted my App for the production state [...]

22 June 2011
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Friendship model vs. following model – 5 reason why twitter is more honest in terms of building up relationships

22 June 2011, Comments: 0

So far I haven’t written too much about social media, but now I had clearly some thoughts and would like to share them.   [...]

11 March 2011
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Tsunami in Japan

11 March 2011, Comments: 0

Yeah, please watch BBC news for just 10 min and then please post more and more so “funny stuff” here on facebook as nothing [...]

25 November 2010
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Find the page or post for a given permalink

25 November 2010, Comments: 0

Today I was wondering how I can get the page object, including the page_id from WordPress. After some investigation I figured out, that the [...]

19 October 2010
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This might be the revolution of the 3D sound

19 October 2010, Comments: 0

Before 5 or even more years everybody used to talk about Surround Sound and 3D sound and what so ever. But since then – [...]