News Archives - Page 4 of 5 - intelligent e-Services

30 August 2010
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Innovative technology

30 August 2010, Comments: 0

Be Sociable, Share! Tweet

9 July 2010
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Free screen casts with Snow Leopard (Mac OSX)

9 July 2010, Comments: 0

It was once again amazed. Through my search on the internet for a screen cast tool to record the actions on my screen. I [...]

25 June 2010
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Synchronize your Apple Address book with Facebook! :)

25 June 2010, Comments: 0

Today I thought about – why do I have two different address books. One somewhere on the internet – and the other somehwere on [...]

22 June 2010
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Set up wordbook in 5 minutes :: WordPress is just so easy

22 June 2010, Comments: 0

WordPress ist just so amazing… connect your WordPress and your  facebook within 5 minutes. You need just Wordbook and generate a key and then [...]

19 July 2009
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ieservices :: color scheme

19 July 2009, Comments: 0

Color Palette by Color Scheme Generator Palette URL: Primary Color: 1047A9 1047A9 29477F 29477F 052A6E 052A6E 4577D4 4577D4 6B90D4 6B90D4 Secondary Color A: [...]