7 rules to work with highest performance in SQLite databases in Adobe AIR/Flex

8 June 2010, Comments: 0

This article shows 7 rules how to get out the most of your SQLite application in AIR:

  1. Create VO’s (value objects or classes) for each query extending a VO with contains at least the “ROWID”
  2. Always use SQLStatement.itemClass and to query for an object – it automatically casts the
  3. Use the “AS” alias in your SQL queries (e.g. SELECT count(name) AS “numberOfNames”) to fit it to your value object.
  4. Use SQLConnection.columnNameStyle = SQLColumnNameStyle.SHORT as possible.
  5. Try to avoid the same name in different tables (which has to be joined at one point)
  6. Use SQL transactions: Start with sqlConnection.begin(); continue with “INSERT INTO (‘firstName’) VALUES (‘:firstName’) and SQLStatement.parameters[':firstName'] = VOList[numberOfVO][firstName];  and end with SQLConnection.commit();
  7. If you want to get the current database Schema (‘SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = “table”‘) open the database in read mode SQLConnection(_sqlFile, SQLMode.READ), load the Schema sqlConnection.loadSchema() and push SQLConnection.getSchemaResult() into an Array

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