The perfect travelers, tripping or couchsurfing buddy

18 September 2010, Comments: 0

As you know that netbooks are handy tool, a cheap long-lasting small power machine not about to get dusty, just because it is always traveling.

I mean laptop’s and notebook’s are made to travel – but was your laptop already at the himalaya or the eiffel tower?

No? – Okay, but would you also really take it there? – That’s the other question we might ask ourselves. I mean the battery is running of until be get there…

Yeah, of course the eiffel tower is not sooo high, but one some days you can wait hours and hours in the queue…

Besides that normal netbooks have an optimized Intel Atom processor inside – but for some people that’s not enough. They just build in an ARM processor. The funny thing arm in German mean – poor, indigent – but this processor – just poor in consuming power, but high performant in processing data!

That’s makes some innovators to invent a netbook build in with THE ARM processor. – No it’s not a new movie, but a short clip might show, how the ARM processor plus a build in touchscreen might come into action.

All in all you have:

  • a less powerful and at the same time minimal power consuming ARM-processor
  • the machine is fanless
  • it has a touchscreen
  • 10-15h hours runnning time should really be enough
  • and optionally – you have a plug and play (oh I guess that work is kinda dusty) keyboard

The vendor address is Always Innovating: Introducing the Smart Book and you can straight a start to order a book :)

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