
Hier möchten wir Ihnen unsere Kernkompetenzen vorstellen, die uns ausmachen:

State of the art
. Through continuous training measures, our team is always up to date in the various specialist areas and can offer you optimal offers and solutions for your needs. In this regard, it can be mentioned that company philosophy is designed so that each team member invests about 10% of working time in independent training.

Over 15 years of experience with web development + the experience of individual team members.

Our team consists of a network of freelancers working in Germany and the Netherlands. Furthermore, we maintain a flexible on-demand cooperation with our 10-person outsourcing partner from the Ukrainian city of Lviv. In total we have in our network direct contacts to the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal and also New York and San Francisco.

On-demand access to a team of over 10: 2 project managers, 1 online marketing specialist, 2 designers, 1 art director, 7 web developers and other...

Cross-thinking and flexible
A particular strength of our team is the ability to comprehensively analyze complex systems or problems and to break them down into comprehensible partial dependencies. Thus, problem solving can be pursued with us not only through standardized approaches and processes, but also through intelligent on-demand procedures.

Entwicklung von einfachen Webseiten bis hin zu kompletten Web-Services und Online-Dienstleistungsplattformen.

Traditional and close to the customer
. Although nowadays it is relatively simple to outsource services abroad to outsourcing service providers, the question of quality still arises. It is well known that especially in this country the highest quality standards are expected from companies worldwide. Nevertheless, despite outsourcing, we have managed to check and deliver our results and products according to the German quality standards. We have achieved this by adapting our development workflow so that quality management is monitored and regulated by employees from Germany - and in particular from the "Schwabenländle". This is important to us, because we know and appreciate the traditions of our "Ländle". Translated with (free version)

Quality assurance in Germany supported by Test-Driven Development.

We speak German, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian. Therefore, our software is basically developed in English, documented and translated accordingly into the required language (localized). For this reason it is possible for us to deliver any software in all languages.

It is developed in English language.

Not only Windows, not only web development
. Since the managing director comes from the field of IT system integration, we are able to completely manage our own IT and expand it accordingly if needed. We also support you on Mac OSX operating system and various types of Linux distributions. Furthermore we use all systems exactly in such a way that the tasks can be solved effectively, economically, purposefully and on a long-term basis. Translated with (free version)

We work on Windows - and on Linux; every day and in parallel.

Web development & best practices
Especially in the area of projects whose development is based on PHP, many developers & companies are poorly equipped. For example, even today developers use simple text editors to develop websites. If necessary, changes and extensions are not planned in the source code in the long term. This leads to the fact that the own product quickly reaches its limits and the development costs shoot up. Fortunately, some of the companies have recognized that so-called development environments (IDEs) accelerate the development, since these e.g. errors are already shown to the developer immediately before the import. However, IDEs are not all the tools that a modern development team should use. We are talking about version management (versioning) using subversion and Git, issue tracking systems as well as test-driven development (TDD) and continuous integration (aka CI). All these system can help you accelerate your software development and significantly improve the quality of your development.

We can help you bring your development department up to speed and train your team to efficiently use the power of modern software development. Translated with (free version)

OOP PHP, issue tracking, SVN, GIT, CI, TDD are part of our daily routine.