PHP Archives - intelligent e-Services

14 March 2013
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HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, Accept Language, php and the parsing

14 March 2013, Comments: 0

You are about to implement or understand a (php) web site which is working with multiple languages (aka multilingual support). But there are still [...]

21 October 2011
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Dropbox featuring jQuery UI CoverFlow 2.2 Demo now online

21 October 2011, Comments: 0

Since today my new Web-App, accessing the Drobox API is finally open for public! Just today Dropbox accepted my App for the production state [...]

17 September 2010
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WordPress Plugin Development :: Getting the current plugin header information

17 September 2010, Comments: 0

You are developing a plugin and you wonder actually how you can access in the plugin itself the variables, which are shown in the [...]